活動時間:2024-09-08 14:50
主講人:Alexey Kazakov
Alexey Kazakov教授緻力于非線性動力學和混沌理論的研究,曾在2016年獲得Dmitry Zimin“Dynasty”基金會青年數學家競賽獎項,2018-2019年獲得俄羅斯基礎研究基金會,2019-2020年獲得俄羅斯基礎研究基金會,2019-2024年獲得俄羅斯基礎研究基金會,2021年獲得俄羅斯尼日尼諾夫哥羅德州科學與高等教育部頒發的榮譽證書,其卓越工作和貢獻赢得了國際學術界的廣泛認可。
Alexey Kazakov教授在非線性動力學領域發表了大量高水平的科研論文,涵蓋了多個領域,其研究成果在Chaos、Nonlinearity、Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.、Regul. Chaotic Dyn.等重要學術期刊上發表,并被廣泛引用。
We (with E. Karatetskaia, K. Safonov, and D. Turaev) provide conditions on the coupling function such that a system of 4 globally coupled identical oscillators has chaotic attractors, a pair of Lorenz attractors or a 4-winged analogue of the Lorenz attractor. The attractors emerge near the triple instability threshold of the splay-phase synchronization state of the oscillators. We provide theoretical arguments and verify numerically, based on the pseudohyperbolicity test, that the chaotic dynamics are robust with respect to small, e.g. time-dependent, perturbations of the system. The robust chaoticity should also be inherited by any network of weakly interacting systems with such attractors.