活動時間:2024-10-06 16:30
主講人:Michael Winkler
Michael Winkler,Paderborn 大學教授,主要研究興趣為非線性偏微分方程,已在《Comm Math Phy》、《Arch Rational Mech Anal》、《J European Math Soc》、《Trans Amer Math Society》、《SIAM J Math Anal》、《J Differential Eq》、《Math Models Methods Appl Sci》、《Math. Ann》等一流數學期刊上發表學術論文近100篇,其中近30篇論文入選ESI高被引、熱點論文;目前擔任《Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences》(中科院一區)、《Nonlinear Analysis:Real World Applications》(中科院一區)等國際一流SCI數學期刊的編委。
The Cauchy problem for the cross-diffusion system is considered. We show that one can find radially symmetric compactly supported
initial data such that the corresponding solution blows up within some finite time, and that this explosion occurs throughout certain spheres in an appropriate sense, with any such sphere being located in the annulus.