A new deformation type of irreducible symplectic varieties

活動時間:2024-10-22 15:00




劉治宇,浙江大學在讀博士,導師為阮勇斌院士。研究方向為代數幾何與數學物理,特别是代數簇的導出範疇,計數幾何,以及超凱勒幾何。已在《Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées》,《Journal of the London Mathematical Society》,《Mathematische Zeitschrift》等國際知名學術期刊上發表多篇論文。獲得國家自然科學基金青年學生基礎研究項目(博士生)資助。


Irreducible symplectic varieties are one of three building blocks of varieties with Kodaira dimension zero, which are higher-dimensional analogs of K3 surfaces. Despite their rich geometry, there have been only a limited number of approaches to construct irreducible symplectic varieties. In this talk, I will introduce a general criterion for the existence of irreducible symplectic compactifications of non-compact Lagrangian fibrations, based on the minimal model program and the geometry of general fibers. As an application, I will explain how to get a 42-dimensional irreducible symplectic variety with the second Betti number at least 24, which belongs to a new deformation type. This is a joint work with Yuchen Liu and Chenyang Xu.

