
個人簡介2005年3月獲得上海交通大學理學博士學位。中國數學會奇異攝動專業委員會理事;《奇異攝動叢書》編委會委員。 對多尺度動力系統中的鴨流形問題、非光滑微分方程的奇異攝動邊值問題等進行了深入研究,在SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,Journal of Nonlinear Science、Journal of Differential Equations等國内外學術期刊發表相關論文40餘篇,參與編寫《奇異攝動導論》。 主持及參與完成國家自然科學基金、上海市自然科學基金等多項科研項目。主持上海市一流本科課程《微積分B》建設。
2002/04 - 2005/03上海交通大學應用數學博士
1995/09 - 2002/06安徽師範大學數學教育/應用數學碩士
2005/07 - 至今東華大學理學院講師、副教授、教授
2012/09 - 2013/08荷蘭萊頓大學訪問學者
Cen Zhihao and Xie Feng, Darboux integrability of a Mathieu-van der Pol-Duffing oscillator, Nonlinear Analysis-RWA, 2023: 70 (103785).
Wu Xiao, Lu Shuying, Xie Feng, Relaxation oscillations of a piecewise-smooth slow-fast Bazykin’s model with Holling type I functional response, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023: 20(10): 17608–17624.
Wu Jiankun and Xie Feng, Darboux polynomials and rational first integrals of the nonstretching Rolie-Poly model, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2020: 105(106329).
Doelman A., van Heijster P., Xie Feng, A geometric approach to stationary defect solutions in one space dimension, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2016, 15(2): 655-712.
Nie Dongdong and Xie Feng, Singularly perturbed semilinear elliptic boundary value problems with discontinuous source term, Boundary Value Problems, 2016, 2016: 164.
Xie Feng, An interface problem with singular perturbation on a subinterval, Boundary Value Problems, 2014, 2014: 201.
Xie Feng, On a class of singular boundary value problems with singular perturbation, Journal of Differential Equations, 252(2012), 2370-2387.
Xie Feng, Jin Zhaoyang, Ni Mingkang, On the step-type contrast structure of a second-order semilinear differential equation with integral boundary conditions, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2010.
Xie Feng and Maoan Han, Existence of canards under non-generic conditions, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 30(3) (2009), 239-250.
Xie Feng, Lin Xue yuan, Asymptotic solution of the van der pol oscillator with small fractional damping, Physica Scripta, 2009.
Xie Feng, Wang Jian, Zhang Weijiang and He Ming, A novel method for a class of parameterized singularly perturbed boundary value problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 213(1) (2008), 258-267.
Xie Feng and Chen Xianfeng, Canards in a rheodynamic model of cardiac pressure pulsations, Chinese Physics, 16(9) (2007), 2635-2639.
Xie Feng, Han Maoan, and Zhang Weijiang, The persistence of canards in 3-D singularly perturbed systemswith two fast variables, Asymptotic Analysis, 47 (1,2) (2006), 95-106.
Xie Feng, Han Maoan, and Zhang Weijiang, Existence of canard manifolds in a class of singularly perturbed systems, Nonlinear Analysis, 64 (3) (2006), 457-470.
Xie Feng, Han Maoan, and Zhang Weijiang, Canard phenomena in oscillations of a surface oxidation reaction, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 15 (6) (2005), 363-386. 
Xie Feng, Han Maoan, and Zhang Weijiang, Singular homoclinic bifurcations in a planar fast-slow system, J.Dynam. ControlSystems, 11(3) (2005), 433-448.
Xie Feng and Zhang Xiang, Invariant algebraic surfaces of the Rabinovich system, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 36(2003), 499-516.